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Dynamic Warm-Up for Runners: How to Train Better

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Knee pain is a common complaint among runners. Often it is associated with strength deficits of hip, poor knee placement awareness, and inability of the foot’s arch to be supported at impact. Below are 4 quick pre running drills to help!

Squat with Band for Runners

Female runner squatting with band above knees
  1. Place a resistance band just above knees
  2. Bring legs shoulder width apart
  3. As you lower, press into the band to make sure it is taut. You should be shifting weight backwards as if sitting in a chair
  4. Try to get your hips to at least as low as knees to be “parallel”
  5. Press into the band as you return to standing ensuring that the band is taut 

Banded Hip Abduction for Runners

Runners performing standing hip strengthening exercise
Female standing performing hip strengthening exercise
  1. Place a resistance band at your ankle
  2. Start with soft knees, slightly bent, and feet hip width apart
  3. Keep one leg stable (you may have to push ankle to band to maintain stability)
  4. Move the other leg to the side
  5. Return the start
  6. Then move the same leg 45 degrees backwards as depicted by picture
  7. Return to start
  8. You may repeat all reps other one side before changing sides
  9. OR for a challenge change sides between reps

Backward Lunge for Runners

  1. Start with feet hip width apart
  2. Bring one leg behind you and lower unto leg
  3. To return to starting position press into the leg in front to bring backwards leg forward
  4. Repeat on other side
  5. Tips: Press thru whole foot and you come forward to remain balance and engage glute

Lateral Jumps

  1. Start hip width apart
  2. Push off the left foot and land on the right foot
  3. When landing, land on midfoot with a slight knee bend
  4. Push up off the right foot to land on left foot
  5. Tip:  1) Make sure the knee stays underneath the hips 2) Soft feet with land, not whole foot 

You can find more great content and videos on our Youtube Channel. If you are interested in a running analysis or learning more about how physical therapy can help your running, check us out at Atlanta PT.

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