How to Treat Tailbone Pain with Physical Therapy
What is the tailbone? The tailbone may not be the biggest bone in the body, but it can certainly cause a lot of pain. If you have experienced tailbone pain or tailbone spasm with sitting, bowel movements, sexual intercourse, exercise,... Read More →
How to Treat Plantar Fasciitis at Home
Plantar Fasciitis sounds very intense and scary, but there’s a lot more to it than just an overwhelming name. What is Plantar Fasciitis? The plantar fascia is a thick tissue on the bottom of your foot that provides support. When... Read More →
Shoulder Instability: Learn Why Your Shoulder Pops Out and Back In
You came here wondering why your shoulder pops out, and we have the answer for you. The short reason is, that things are just too loose! In other words, the static stabilizers which include the joint capsule, ligaments, and labrum... Read More →